Yusuf Shah Islamic Center promotes Tawheed (Oneness of the Creator) to the greater community while empowering humanity in having one voice.
Yusuf Shah Islamic Center strives to enhance and maintain a better quality of life for the community and teach moral life, integrity and accountability based on the Quran and prophet Muhammad.​​

Our Mission
Our mission is to achieve a unified front that would promote a better sense of community, enlighten the American public opinion with the true knowledge about Islam its teachings, ideology, philosophy and culture, and instill a sense of responsibility among both members and non-members.

Our Vision
To establish a foundation of moral dignity under one community of believers and promote Islam as a true religion by means of engaging good conduct and good behavior towards all members of our surrounding community.

Our Values
We serve our created purpose in this life while preparing for the hereafter and teach moral life, integrity and accountability based on the Quran and prophet Muhammad.​
As a community we strive for abundance and excellence in Education, Devotion, and Charity.
Imam W D. Mohammed Commentary of Education:
This is Al Islam, and this is the Qur’an. The most important tool in the Qur’an is the tool of education. The most important tool in the effort to advance the ummah, the community of Al Islam or the ummah (community) of Muhammed is education.*
Imam W D. Mohammed:
The key is to work for excellence of human nature, for the excellent future and destiny of human beings on this earth. When you work for that, you are working in accord with what G-d’s Purpose is for you being on this earth. You are in accordance with His Will. And He is going to be with you, His Spirit is with you.
Imam W D. Mohammed:
When reading the Qur'an we say, Sadaqullahul ‘ Atheem. And Zakat (Charity) is directly connected to ethics, meaning ethical conduct, associated with ethics. It means involvement of high moral sense and rational sense. Clean and intelligent altogether, these are the meanings that are locked up in the Zakat (Charity).